Author: Diya
•4:13 PM
The festival of lights is here again... And the most common of the wishes doing the rounds, reads "May the festival of lights dispel the darkness of ignorance...etc etc"... As always... And this gets me wondering...

Should we always wait for this festival of lights to convey this wish to our loved ones??? Is this not an apt wish for a new year, or a birthday??? Darkness - be it the one arising from ignorance or despair or hopelessness or wretchedness - can and should be chased away from our lives at it's very onset... So why then a specific festival alone, to convey this wish??? Is it just because of the symbolism of lighting lamps???

Why are there only specific wishes conveyed on specific ocassions I wonder...

I would wish that I could find a light everyday which would dispel some of the darkness surrounding and within me... I would not wait for the symbolism of Deepavali for this :-) And I would wish all my loved ones the same, not just now but on every special and momentous ocassion in their lives...

A Very Happy Deepavali !!!
Author: Diya
•8:54 PM
Writing has been second nature for as long as I can remember...Be it short stories [which would turn out to be not so short ;)], poems, personalised wishes for friends or any random scribblings... Till date, most of them have been exclusively 'For Your Eyes Only' ...

And it's taken loads of assurances from a lot of friends [all of you know who you are ;)] and almost 2 years of on and off pestering by V, for a space of my own in the blogosphere to become a reality...

Thanks to all of you for playing your roles to perfection in getting me started on this journey... :-)